Moments of Retaliation

That moment when karma strikes in full force because you said you didn’t believe in it. In psychology we talked about the “just-world phenomenon”; the idea that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. Well, let me tell you…I must have done something REALLY bad. Or it might simply be because I said I do not agree with that theory. Because bad things can happen to “good” people and good things can happen to “bad” people. Am I right? Yes, I am.

Karma Count 1: Got stuck in traffic for 10 miles on my way to school. This made me late for class. Yay.

Karma Count 2: Got out of classes and began to drive to orientation for my new job. And guess what? Traffic time! Again. Apparently there was a wreck and police cars and fire trucks were blocking the highway. So a friendly cop directed me right to a 15 mile detour. I really considered parking my car on the highway and walking to my destination… was literally right down the road. But I didn’t. I continued on in my un-air conditioned car in the 76 degree weather. Faced with following half the population of Springfield down a seemingly endless road.

Karma Count 3: Due to the traffic and detours, I was 30 minutes late to my orientation. That is one heck of a way to start a new job! Show up, nice and early; letting them know that you are a prompt and responsible individual. *rolls eyes*

Karma Count 4: After finishing orientation I headed home. As I get to the exit for my house (15 miles away) I get a call asking me to come back because they accidentally forgot to copy my driver’s license. Then I turn around and join the traffic, yet again. My luck? I get stuck next to a semi filled with horses. Anyone who knows me will tell you that animals, especially ones that smell anything like a farm, are NOT my thing. I had bad childhood experiences that I wish not to recount because they were just too traumatic.

Karma Count 5: Cut my hands open when my umbrella broke in the middle of a downpour. I didn’t even realize it until a profuse number of bandages were needed. -_-
Best. Day. Ever. Has “karma” ever come to bite you? Watch your back, everyone….very, very closely.

Moment of Procrastination

That moment when you should be studying….but you’re not. I have a psychology test in two hours. So why am I blogging instead of studying feverishly? I honestly do not know. Sad, right? I am hoping and crossing my fingers that recall will set in and all the information from class will come flooding into my brain. Here’s to optimism! Which I have very little of to begin with.

But really, how does one study for psychology? I believe that if I can explain the answers I provide I should get 100% for effort. I put forth my best mediocre attempt. That should be rewarded. Just kidding. That’s why America is in the state that it’s in……because of people like me. Still, if a psychology test asks how to react to a situation and my teacher counts it wrong…..what do I do? What if I would respond like that in real life? I am in an absurd state of confusion. I can see my future self, sitting in class over-thinking every question posed to me. Beads of sweat forming and me trying to keep anxiety at bay. Either way, I think I will go out with a bang. One where I see my passing grade and “bang!”, hit my head on the ground after fainting…..or “bang!”, hit my head against a wall when I see the red “F”. The way I see it, I will end up with a concussion both ways. It’s the best of both worlds everyone.

Glancing towards my notes I know that I cannot let procrastination have power over me….here’s to stu-dying.