That moment when…

That moment when finals week is upon you.

So, here we are again. The most glorious, exciting, wonderful week of the year. ♪♫ It’s the most wonderful time of..♪♫ No, wait…that’s Christmas. Where you get gifts and spend time with family and wear your fat pants. Finals week is a time where you receive tests, bad grades, and feel like your brain might explode. Please, let’s not get those confused!

Honestly I don’t know how they sneak up on me every year. But each time, without fail, exams come around and I am still taken by surprise.

I hear ya, Cory

And during this final week of school I’m not spending my time studying or thinking about everything I’ve learned this year…I’m spending my time thinking about summer and how I won’t have to think anymore.

I always read about having better study habits and studying for weeks in advance…ain’t nobody got time for that! I know I don’t! And how can you possibly study for an exam weeks before you even finish learning the material? If I am missing this common logic…then how can anyone expect me to take a test covering all the material in the book?

And that’s another thing….whose brilliant idea was it to make exams cumulative? Don’t we all study just enough to spit it out for the test and then automatically throw it into the dust bin in our brains? Regardless of whether I should remember the stuff, I don’t. I wish my brain would just work with me a little and let me use all of it. But it’s selfish and only gives me 10%.

And sitting here, I know that we are all at our computers, scrolling through Pinterest and Facebook. You just keep on refreshing that feed. Anything to stay away from that Biology and History book calling your name. Deep down (not that deep) you know you should be studying. Your parents are telling you to, your teachers are telling you to, if you have really good friends they are telling you to (but if you have awesome friends…they are right beside you helping you procrastinate). Heck, even the Avengers are telling you to: The-Avengers-You-should-be-studying_
But if you’re anything like me, you like Loki and his philosophy better: Loki, I do waht I want

Now the hours are ticking by and I can feel my doom coming closer….and closer. And instead of buckling down and studying I am finding stuff to do in its place. Truly I know that this is all my fault. I really don’t procrastinate all the time, but it’s the end of the year. Do any of you blame me?

Who else is like me and waiting for the moment when you walk out of your last class, knowing full well you failed, but not even caring because you are free? FREEDOM! When you can breathe in the humid summer air and look forward to three stress-free months.

Now stop reading this blog! Shut your computer down and hit the books!…(who knows, you may get a little nap in if you hit them hard enough). And good luck everyone! And to all you girls out there: ryan gosling finals